

Nevertheless, we don't have to say goodbye completely or even veto everything given by the other party


But there are always moments when we are not so lucky When the relationship with someone is accidentally known by others and becomes the talk of their life


Ask your heart if you feel loved, if you feel down-to-earth, and if you see each other's efforts


Being in a hurry is not a good thing for yourself or others


In any case, you should not be confused by some superficial phenomena You must make a good judgment to see whether the people you meet are true and sincere and whether you two are really suitable


In life, in addition to being busy paying bills, there are always times when you need to do something for yourself to make your life more meaningful and rich, not just to survive


When a person, his heart is no longer in his body, finds some happy things, some unhappy things, finds some interesting things, some interesting things, he will no longer want to tell you these things


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